Where in the Conejo Contest for August 1, 2022

You could win $25 if you can you identify the phenomena shown in the photo! The correct answer is provided below along with 3 that are not. To be entered in the drawing to win, you must select the right one.
As you are hiking in the Open Space, you glance over and you see a lot of insect activity on a single cluster of flowers. What exactly is going on?
- A hairstreak butterfly nectars on buckwheat while a bee assassin captures a honeybee.
- A housefly and a skunk beetle prepare to attack a marine blue butterfly nectaring on milkweed.
- A marine blue butterfly nectars on milkweed while a bee assassin captures a honeybee.
- A skunk beetle captures a honeybee while a hairstreak butterfly nectars on milkweed.
Good luck! We hope that our “Where in the Conejo” contest inspires you to find new places and sights in our beautiful open space areas that you wouldn’t have otherwise known about. You could win a $25 gift certificate if you make a correct entry by August 8, 2022, one week after this contest opens!
To enter the contest, and for full details on the rules and time that it’s open, see our Where in the Conejo page.