Trail Building and Restoration

The COSCA system includes more than 151 miles of trails, and we’re helping COSCA make that number larger every year! During the Fall and Spring Trail Work Days, volunteers come out to help build new trails for everyone to enjoy. Sometimes we instead go out to repair trails that were damaged during severe winter weather. Local trail organizations the Santa Monica Mountains Trails Council (SMMTC) and the Concerned Off Road Mountain Bicyclists (CORBA) help COSCA Rangers plan the work and oversee the other volunteers. Groups including local businesses have their own volunteer work days as a way to give back to the community.

Our trail building and restoration activities rely on volunteers to help out! If you would like to see more and better trails, we hope you’ll want to pitch in!

Trail Work Coordinator: John Kross ( )

News about trail work events, future and past

Sept 23, Conejo trail restoration for National public Lands Day! - The second monthly trail work day is being held on the morning of Saturday September 23, in honor of National Public Lands Day. The work will be on the trails of Rancho Potrero, clearing weeds that choke the trails and… (read more...)
Conejo Spring Trail Work Day – What a Success! - On Saturday March 19 about 130 volunteers came to help restore the Santa Rosa Trail above Wildwood Mesa to like-new condition! There were enough volunteers that crews also worked on the Teepee, Moonridge and Stagecoach Bluff Trails. The photos in… (read more...)
Conejo Spring Trail Work Day will be Saturday March 19 - For the first time since 2019, we'll be able to help fix up some of the Conejo Valley trails! Please pre-register at to save time on the morning of the event, and to get an email reminder a few… (read more...)
Canceled: COSCA Spring Trail Work Day, March 21, 2020 - A message from the Conejo Open Space Conservation Agency: Dear COSCA Trail Friends, In light of community concerns about the potential spread of Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19), and recommendations by health professionals to limit large gatherings, COSCA chosen to cancel… (read more...)
Announcing the COSCA Spring Trail Work Day, Saturday March 21, 2020 - This year volunteers will be meeting at the inner parking lot at Wildwood Park to help repair damage to the Santa Rosa Trail. 7:30 am: Meet at the inner (lower) lot for check-in at the registration table, complete a release… (read more...)
2019 Fall Trail Work Day, October 19, 2019 - About 80 open space enthusiasts came out to help fix up the trails in the Conejo Canyons in preparation for winter rains. Volunteers came from various organizations such as the Santa Monica Mountains Trails Council (SMMTC), the Concerned Off-Road Bicyclists… (read more...)
2019 Spring Trail Work Day, March 16, 2019 - Forty-five to 50 volunteers turned out to help restore several hundred yards of the Hawk Canyon Trail in the Conejo Canyons/Western Plateau open space areas on Saturday March 16th for the annual COSCA Spring Trail Work Day. The area had… (read more...)
Annual Fall Trail Work Day, October 20, 2018 - About 80 volunteers came out to help build a new trail that leads from Westlake Village Community Park and YMCA to the Saddle Pass Trail. This trail is east of the trail we've previously been building and will complete a… (read more...)
Pepperdine Step Forward Volunteer Day, September 8, 2018 - Seventeen Pepperdine University students, part of their annual Step Forward Day of volunteerism, were bused to the new Westlake Village YMCA and Community Park to help with the construction of the connector trail up to the Saddle Pass Trail. The… (read more...)
Spring Trail Work Day, Saturday June 16, 2018. - About 70 volunteers helped extend by 0.4 miles the new trail from the Westlake Village Community Park and YMCA to the Saddle Pass Trail. This section was much more challenging to build than the lower section we built the previous… (read more...)